Welcome to Ashley's
Antiques & Florist
note that the photos on our website represent an overall look and
theme. At times substitutions of flowers and containers may be
needed due to market conditions and availability. We will create
a bouquet as close as possible to represent the arrangement you have
selected. We will ensure that the style, theme and color scheme of
your selection is preserved and will only substitute items of equal
or higher value.
You For Your Understanding and Shopping Local!!
Please note all pricing is subject to a price change regardless of price on website. The price of flowers as with everything else continues to increase. We will do our best to fill order to value.
Thank you for understanding.
The order form can be used to order flowers please read all instructions.
Most categories have updated pics.
Some categories are not available so
order will have to be called in.
757-899-5561 or 757-899-2881
this number can be called after hours also leave a message.
We will return your call promptly.
All deliveries will be made as promptly as we can.
Click Here For Antiques